Getting back into your groove with fitness

Last night I was sitting on my couch eating dinner and I said to my boyfriend, “It feels good to feel active again.” He looked at me and just said, “RIGHT?!”

Until about 4 years ago, my life always revolved around a high level of physical activity. It all started with my gymnastics career. I started gymnastics at 4 years old and by the time I was in high school I was devoting 21 hours/week to the sport. I then continued into college competing for UC Davis Gymnastics from 2010-2014. At 22 years old I retired from gymnastics and my activity level went from 20 hours/week to about 4-5 hours/week. A pretty drastic change and one of the many reasons retired athletes struggle post-sport. But I’ll save my thoughts on that for another day.

About a year after retiring from gymnastics I started itching for something to compete for. I did a couple Spartan races, and then I came across American Ninja Warrior and I decided that’s what was next for me.

I started training for ANW in 2015 and began competing in fall 2016. From 2016 to 2019 I spent the majority of my time working as a personal trainer and training for Ninja competitions. It consumed me, and I loved it. I loved competing and challenging my body to do some incredible things.

In April 2019 my priorities began to shift. I got a corporate job in the medical device industry that required a large amount of my time and focus. I loved my job, but I struggled to find time for all the training I was doing previously. As a result my fitness level dropped quickly. By the end of 2019 I felt weak and was struggling with the ways my body had changed.

Jump to March 2020, I underwent shoulder surgery to repair my rotator cuff. This was by far the toughest and most painful rehab I have ever been through. And I have had A LOT of injuries. Needless to say, my fitness level continued to fall.

Fast forward to a Wednesday evening in June of 2023, telling my boyfriend it felt good to FEEL active. What amazing physical feat did I accomplish that day you ask?! Whelp, I walked my dogs on our 1.2mile loop and then I went on a 35min 9mile bike ride. That’s it!

What’s my point? It doesn’t matter what you used to be, or what you used to do. All that matters is what you are doing for yourself today. If you have been prioritizing your job, your family, and/or your social life over your fitness and you feel like you’ve lost your way. I’m here to tell you the solution is baby steps to find your way back. Start with a simple goal that’s easy to stick to. For example, 30minutes of movement per day.

That movement could be going for a walk or a bike ride. Doing 30min of yoga/stretching or hitting a 30min bodyweight workout! Find whatever you enjoy doing and commit to 30minutes of that.

After 2 weeks of committing those 30minutes to yourself you’re going to feel a change. Both mentally and physically. That change is going to be feel so good that you’re going to want to keep going. And because this is such an attainable goal, you will be able to stick to it!

After 4 weeks, I have no doubt you’ll be ready to step it up with more intentional workouts and maybe even get started on a formal workout plan/routine!

It really is amazing what just 30minutes a day can become in the long run. It’s something that I have personally felt over these past 6 months as I’ve been getting back into the swing of things with my fitness.

While I may be no where close to where I was 4 years ago. I’m continuously feeling healthier and stronger as I continue to find way to incorporate movement into my day to day.